Often applications that do not match our needs reach us by mail or PM. In order to spare you the time and the disappointment we'd like to tell you, what a correct application looks like.
As you can see in the application tool when application rounds are opened we need to have some personal data of you such as:
- complete name
- mail address
- if you already have experience with being in GameForge teams
- gender
- date of birth
- ingame nickname
- which server do you play on?
- application text
If you do not fill in one of the fields mentioned above, you can not apply. Also we'd like to make sure you understand the following:
Many of you (more than 75% of the applicants) didn't even write more than two words in the application text. Many of you wrote stuff like "Make me GM pls" or "I like the game and i hate hackers". That is NOT sufficient. Mails without a sufficient application text will be deleted without answer in the next application rounds. Also mails with just one or two short sentences will be deleted without answer and not be taken into consideration.