Some changes in staff

  • Hi folks,

    unfortunately Adba, Xod and Dare2Dream had to leave us whereas Xod and Dare2Dream left on their own accord.

    bend0r will be covering up as new GA. For the time being there is no board admin, I will take care of board things if necessary.
    As soon as there is a replacement for Dare2Dream we'll inform you here.

  • Hello

    i'm sorry to inform you that Fenix has left the team. At last he worked as Gamemaster in the team.

    Thanx for work and we wish you all good for your future.

  • Hello

    i'm sorry to inform you that Dark/Demonspell has left the team. At last he worked as Gamemaster in the team.

    Thanx for work and we wish you all good for your future.

  • Hello,

    we have some new Gamemasters at the team

    Welcome Budo and Xod

    Sorry for the delayed posting :)

    Best regards

  • Hi folks,

    as of today there are two new board admins in team.
    One is daimon, whom you already know since he was SMOD here.
    The other is .qman..

    Congratulations and have fun.

    best regards

  • Hello

    Rockkid moved from boardteam to the gameteam.

    He will work now as Chatmoderator ingame.

    Best regards

  • Unfortunately -=Xtr3mE=- had to leave the board team .We wish him good luck .

  • De astazi aerow a fost promovat la Smod. Ii multumim pentru toata munca depusa.
    Felicitari si spor la munca in continuare.

    From today aerow is promoted as Smod. Thank you for all your work.
    Congratulation and keep the good work.

  • From today we'll have a second SBM , the second one is Girlgabbe . We wish her good luck and Happy Holidays.

    Incepand de astazi vom avea un al 2-lea SBM , ea este Girlgabbe . Ii dorim noroc si Sarbatori Fericite.

  • Say hello to our new SBM , her name is Morphine . We're glad to have her here ^^ .

  • Hello,

    unfortunately Anini had to leave us today.
    His last position in our team was Game Master.

    best regards

  • Hello,

    unfortunately Budo left the team on his own wish. Thanx for your work and wish you all good.
    His last position in our team was Trial Game Master.

    best regards

  • Hello,

    we have a new Gamemaster at the team

    Welcome Aether

    Best regards

  • Hello,

    we have a new Gamemaster at the team

    Welcome filip

    Best regards

  • As you probably have noticed , we have new "cops in town" .... They are HalfOp, NightCrawler, John.Browning and narcyx_ghost, I hope you grant them your vote of confidence and welcome to the team. New surprises coming soon .

    Best regards , daimon .

    Dupa cum probabil ati observat , avem noi "politisti in oras" ... Ei sunt HalfOp , NightCrawler , John.Browning si narcyx_ghost . Sper ca le veti acorda votul vostru de incredere si bun venit in echipa. Noi surprize vor veni in curand .

    Toate cele buna , daimon.

  • From today we have a new mod .aNdReY.
    Welcome to the team and do a good job.

    De astazi avem un nou moderator .aNdReY.
    Bine ai venit si spor la munca.

  • Hello , unfortunatelly Girlgabbe left us on her own . Thank you for your job done here and we wish you good luck .

    LE : Maybe she will change her decision .

  • Today will say goodbye to two of our board trials , and welcome them as board moderators . Congratulations NightCrawler and HalfOp :beer: .